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That Awkward Moment When and Other Random Tweets

Hey guys,

So, I have my twitter account since 2 or 3 years ago, I guess. And I'm still wondering about accounts which tweeting about this kind of stuff :

1. That Awkward Moment When

I don't know why this kind of tweet getting popular lately. Maybe, because of that popularity people keep tweeting about that. Well, basically, it is just about moment which make you feel awkward. And people retweet it because they ever EXPERIENCE that kind of situation or, they ever IMAGINE that kind of situation. And we can see that several people is trying too hard to make this tweets that it's make them find an awkward moment when they can't think about a good and funny awkward moment to tweet.

2. Love Life

This kind of tweet can be divided into two : when they are so much in love and when their heart is so much broken. Well sometimes you should know that........nobody cares. But people, especially teenagers, and more especially GIRLS, love this kind of tweet so much that they can retweet 10 TWEETS in 2 MINUTES from the SAME ACCOUNT. I mean, come on, you're not that desperate that you have to tell people that you are sad so they can cheer you up?

3. Schools

School is boring and tiring. This statement is not really wisely said remembering this is a school project, but yeah, we all agree that school is boring and tiring, right? But instead of saying :

"I hate school!"


"I want good scores!"


"I hate my teacher because he always give homework and I'm too busy checking on my twitter that I have no time to finish it and make me have to lie that my dog ate it and make him angrier"

Why wouldn't you try to think positive and say :

"I love school!" even though you love the break time only


"I want and I will have good scores!" even though you'll end up get the average score


"I love my teacher who mad at me because I didn't finished my homework and I said my dog ate it because I'm busy checking out my twitter!" ..even though that doesn't even make sense-_-

But at least you try to think positive about school right?

Well, It's not really that bad to  retweet or tweet that kind of thing sometimes, it's just my opinion and perspective so you can share your opinion in that box below and no offense guys :D

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